自從高中畢業之後﹝啊?你問我畢業幾年了?啥?我聽不清楚你的問題喔!﹞,西西不知道有幾百次嚮往能再次上Ms. Joy Sun總是精彩絕倫讓人垂涎的英文課﹝不是偏心哦!老大的課我也超想上的啦!還有,如果有機會上Jenny的課也不錯…偏偏她就不給我聽!﹞,肖想了多年的不實際又白痴的夢想,終於在這個暑假回台灣的第21天實現了!﹝好險還有機會聽到,不然又要抱著小遺憾回美國了。﹞
雞同鴨講了半天後,才驚覺她指的是至娟老師─Ms. Joy Sun!「啊?!嗯…」喔買嘎!還真是來得讓我有點不知所措。所幸,我的理智還足夠清醒到記得帶上我這可愛的Canon S30,所以,各位無緣的觀眾朋友們,MS. JOY SUN!!!

就這樣,在造成一陣小小的騷動後,課堂恢復正常,大家也再次當起認真學習的雄女人,而我,拿出放在抽屜中的課本,也翻到了這一課:《It All Started with a Mouse》。

Mickey Mouse was born on a long train ride from New York to Los Angeles in 1928. His creator,Walt Disney,was on his way home after a disastrous business meeting. His financial partners had taken away the legal rights to his first successful character,Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. As a talented young animator with a promising future,Walt had never expected such a terrible disaster in his career. To him and his studio crew back in Los Angeles,all was lost.
Feeling angry and disappointed,Walt and his wife,Lillian,got on the train and began a long journey back to Los Angeles. As the train rolled along,Walt worried about telling his crew how he had lost Oswald. However,he knew there was no time for despair. He needed a new character that would give him and his crew a new beginning. “But what would it be?” Walt asked himself as he began drawing and searching for ideas. To the young animator’s disappointment,no matter what he drew on the paper,nothing seemed right.
Then,his thoughts turned to a little mouse in his first studio in Kansas. It was a time of stress as his career had just begun. During those exhausting and lonely nights,it was the little mouse that kept the young animator company. As Walt recalled the fond memories of the mouse,his hand began sketching a mouse with big round ears,a pointed nose,and little red shorts. One stroke after another,the first sketch of the new character was finished before the train reached Los Angeles. It was at that moment that the future superstar was born!Later,Walt named the new character “Mortimer the mouse,” but his wife thought a friendlier name would be better. She suggested “Mickey.” Walt agreed,and that was how the world-famous mouse got his name!
Mickey Mouse was an instant success,and Walt Disney’s dream of becoming a successful animator came true as a result of Mickey’s exploding popularity. However,no matter how successful Walt became,he always knew whom to thank. Once,when Walt looked out over the first and majestic Disneyland,he said,“I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing-that it was all started by a mouse.”